Hardware and PSU Modding

When it came to the PSU, it was clear that the cables had to be shortened to fit into the top compartment, and into the plugs I had made. When I look back at this job, it looks like a big brain fart. I decided to open up the PSU to cut out a middle section of the wire and solder it back together.

*PC-Beto by Hans Peder Sahl Hardware and PSU Modding *PC-Beto by Hans Peder Sahl Hardware and PSU Modding *PC-Beto by Hans Peder Sahl Hardware and PSU Modding

Not only did this take ages, but it could have been done more smartly and quickly by just getting a crimper and redoing the ends. However, I didn't have a crimper at the time, so this was the way forward. The end result wasn't too bad either. When put into the case, it fitted as if it had never been different.

*PC-Beto by Hans Peder Sahl Hardware and PSU Modding *PC-Beto by Hans Peder Sahl Hardware and PSU Modding *PC-Beto by Hans Peder Sahl Hardware and PSU Modding

At the beginning, my plan for this case was to have an SSD as the primary drive, and a large hard disk for storage. However, as the project progressed, it was clear that there would only be room for one drive. This was to be a 64GB SSD, which I mounted in the top. For memory, I used a set of 8GB of Mushkin Ridgeback RAM, which had an appearance that fitted into the theme.

*PC-Beto by Hans Peder Sahl Hardware and PSU Modding *PC-Beto by Hans Peder Sahl Hardware and PSU Modding *PC-Beto by Hans Peder Sahl Hardware and PSU Modding

The motherboard was swapped out for a black one too. The MSI board had way too much blue on it, so I replaced it with an EVGA P55 LE. One all this was mounted, the combination actually looked pretty good, and both the Bitspower GPU waterblock and AquaComputer CPU waterblock looked fantastic.
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MSI MPG Velox 100R Chassis Review

October 14 2021 | 15:04